About me
Born in Salzburg
Married since 1989, two sons
Studies of Historical Sciences and English at the University of Salzburg (MA PH)
Professional teaching in grammar school for 13 years
Since 1993 in private practice as a psychotherapist, couples therapist, coach, adviser, supervisor.
Group Dynamics (ÖAGG) (www.oeagg.at)
Bioenergetic Analysis (DÖK) (www.bioenergetische-analyse.org)
Imago couples therapy (IGÖ, IRI, New York) (www.imago-relationships.org)
Tikkun relational coaching (Schleifer&Associates, Florida, USA) (www.hedyschleifer.com)
Systemic coaching (MOC, European Training Academy (www.esba.eu)
Gestalt Therapy (www.gestalttherapie.at)
Client-centered psychotherapy (www.oegwg.at)
3-year-Master-Class-Training in Washington DC.
(Master Class in Encounter-centered Couples Therapy – EcCT – at the Tikkun Learning Center by Hedy and Yumi Schleifer) (www.hedyschleifer.com)
The following quotations reflect a lot of my attitudes, of my philosophy of life and of the backgrounds of my may of working with people.
Woody Allen:
The most difficult thing about life is making heart and mind work together.
Everybody can get angry, this is easy. But getting angry with the right person, in the right amount, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way is really hard.
The history of the parents is the book the children read in.
Martin Buber:
A person becomes a self through encountering the other.
J. J. Rousseau:
Man’s freedom is not doing what he wants but doing NOT what he does NOT want.
L. Börne (German-Jewish journalist):
Great passions are like fundamental forces of nature. Whether they are useful or harmful only depends on the direction they take.
W. Churchill:
We earn our living by what we receive and we live on what we donate.
Tears purify your heart.
Albert Einstein:
A problem cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
M. Ebner v. Eschenbach:
An essential characteristic of great people is that their demands on others are much lower than on themselves.
Mahatma Gandhi:
You and me – we are one. I cannot hurt you without hurting myself.
J. W. v. Goethe:
Ingratitude is always a kind of weakness. I have never known men of ability being ungrateful.
V. van Gogh:
I want something more concise, more simple, more serious; I want more soul and more love and more heart.
H. Heine:
All strong people love life.
H. Hesse:
You have to attempt the impossible in order to achieve the possible.
Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.
F. Hölderlin:
I believe that impatience is the trap into which even the best can fall easily.
Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards.
M. L. King:
No problem is resolved by waiting indolently that God might resolve it.
K. Lorenz:
Spoken is not heard, heard is not understood, understood is not believed.
F. Nietzsche:
Everything that is done out of love always happens beyond good and evil.
To find yourself, your soul must encounter another soul.
Touched by love every human becomes a philosopher.
Good is Beauty.
There is no harm in doing good again and again.
We do not learn. What we call learning is only a process of memory.
All the strength we donate comes back to us even more mature and transformed.
Try to love the questions themselves ... live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.“
Weeds grow in a month, a rose needs an entire year.
Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
F. Schiller:
Nothing leads to good that is not natural.
H. Schleifer:
We grow up and we heal down.
We are born in connection, we are hurt in connection and we can heal in connection.
It is not too little time we have but it is too much time we do not use.
We do not dare do it because it’s hard but it’s hard because we do not dare do it.
G. B. Shaw:
The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them.
People’s wisdom is not measured by their experience, but by their ability to experience.
A formal diagnosis is not only a nuisance. It can even hinder our work (as psychotherapists) by veiling or even negating the multi-layered human being we meet in our office.
C. Zuckmayer:
One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline – and that is the important half, for without discipline you would not know what to do with luck.